
GF Piping Systems Type 604/605 Pneumatically Actuated Dosing Valve

October 6, 2017

The Type 604/605 Pneumatically Actuated Dosing is a corrosion-resistant pneumatic diaphragm valve that provides a solution for not only highly corrosive dosing applications, but also open/close applications.

The Valve is designed and tested to surpass two million life cycles

The ½ inch (d20) size 604/605 Valve is available in body materials PVC, CPVC, PROGEF Standard PP, and SYGEF Standard PVDF with a wide variety of end connections, and custom assemblies. The valve is pressure rated at 90 psi unidirectional with operating temperatures ranging from -4 to 284 F, depending on body material.

与拟合许多oem厂商不断挑战components into the smallest space possible, the product has a smaller footprint and lower cost compared to standard pneumatic diaphragm valves.

GF Piping Systems