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2016 AHR Expo Show Preview

January 4, 2016

The 2016 AHR Expo will soon heat up the floor of the Orange County Convention Center in Orlando, Fla. The show takes place on January 25-27. Contractors, engineers, HVACR manufacturers and others in related industries interested in digging into ‘the world’s largest HVACR marketplace,’ are encouraged to attend and take advantage of some must-have opportunities. The show boasts more than 2,000 exhibitors. Registration is free until January 11. Registration after January 11 is $30.

The show floor has been divided into three special sections: The Building Automation & Control Showcase; The Software Center, which is designated for HVACR related software and off-the-shelf and customized solutions; and the New Product & Technology Theater, where dozens of exhibitors will provide brief presentations.

The expo offers a wide range of free educational sessions open to all attendees. Sponsored sessions take place Monday and Tuesday and include: “Transformational Change for Building Automation,” which articulates points of change to transform the industry; and “Transforming Skill Sets to Lead and Manage Change,” a session led by experts that covers how to engage people in order to create self-learning company cultures. Another session, “Data Analytics/Occupant Engagement and the Road to Self-Managing Buildings,” explores data decision-making and introduces Occupant Engagement. In the “Fourth Annual Connection Community Collaboratory," experts discuss creating and selling connection to the world.

The ASHRAE Conference Free Technical Program portion of educational sessions takes place on Tuesday and features four different discussions including, “The New and Improved ASHRAE Design-Build Survival Guide,” “Avoiding Pesky Pitfalls Integrating Seismic and Sound Control,” “Design-Build for DDC: Yes it Works! No, it Doesn’t! A healthy Debate by Two Experts” and “How Does the Criterion Engineer’s Role Affect the Design Build Contractor’s and Design Build Engineer’s Roles During all Phases of a Design Build Project?”

Finally, there will be Industry Group Sessions to choose from presented by leading industry people. HARDI, RPA and Women HVACR are just a few of the endorsing associations who will dive into engaging material on system design, business, markets, codes, energy and many more relevant industry topics.

Advanced paid registration is required for certification exams (NATE and ACG) and PM Live seminars. PM Live seminars take place on Tuesday and cover need-to-know essentials in the design of heat pump systems and lessons learned in hyrdonics.

AHR will also host the annual Innovations Awards competition, honoring inventive and unique products, technologies and systems. This year’s winners were selected by third party ASHRAE members.

For more information on hotels and travel, discounts, education sessions, etc., and to register for 2016 AHR,