
CIPH invites all to celebrate World Plumbing Day


Toronto, Ont. – The Canadian Institute of Plumbing & Heating (CIPH) and the Mechanical Contractors Association of Canada (MCAC) are extending an invitation to Canadian trade associations, plumbing organizations, wholesaler distributors, manufacturers, schools and individuals to celebrate the important role played by Canada’s plumbing industry.

Here are some easy to execute ideas that every member in every sector can implement to increase awareness of World Plumbing Day 2015:

•Add the World Plumbing Day logo to your corporate website, invoices & electronic signatures.
•On March 11th, open your doors to contractors, suppliers, customers and students in celebration – perhaps with a
contest or special promotion; i.e. a breakfast, BBQ or trade show.
•Use your social media channels (Twitter/Facebook/YouTube) to promote the event in the weeks leading up to the event
(CIPH can provide some messaging if you like) #WorldPlumbingDay.
•Organize your local school to participate in the International Poster Competition—visitwww.worldplumbingday.orgfor
more information.
•Submit a letter to the editor to your local paper or an article in trade magazine or industry journal.
•Encourage your municipality or province to issue a formal proclamation to mark World Plumbing Day 2015.

Those interested should contact Matt Wiesenfeldm.wiesenfeld@ciph.comand let everyone know what their company is planning to do to celebrate World Plumbing Day 2015.