弗格森工业捐赠$ 25 k聚氟乙烯圆桌会议

弗格森工业捐赠$ 25 k聚氟乙烯圆桌会议

July 29, 2022

Ferguson Industrial, a committed supporter to investing in the future health of the PVF trades, and longtime supporter of thePVF Roundtable(PVF RT), has donated $25K to the PVF Roundtable Charitable Foundation.

Mike Jordan, regional director at Ferguson Industrial, surprised Sara Alford, president of the PVF RT, with the donation. Jordan joined the PVF RT board of directors earlier this year, and has made monumental changes in the way member companies are networking and using the tools PVF RT has in place to improve communication between channel partners — from manufactures and distributors to end-users and EPCs. The donation will further PVF RT’s outreach to help students enter the trades by providing scholarships to local colleges, universities and trade schools that are focused on trade skills and distribution management.

Ferguson Industrial is committed to investing in the future, and believes in what PVF RT is doing to help students enter the PVF trades.

“While we are currently working together to offer further assistance with job placement with PVF RT member companies after graduation, this donation helps further our outreach to students, and will allow an incentive for them to join our industry with fresh, energetic ideas so that we are all constantly improving,” Alford said.

Ferguson has been a long-time supporter of PVF RT and is often a top tier sponsor of many fundraising events.