火烈骑高贵的你be Combi Boiler

火烈骑高贵的你be Combi Boiler

September 9, 2019

Reliable and highly efficient, the Lochinvar NOBLE Fire Tube Combi Boiler is perfect for residential or multifamily applications. With three models ranging from 110,000 to 199,999 Btu/hr., the Noble Combi offers easy installation and serviceability, speedy DHW response time and a text-based user interface. These units utilize pre-heat and domestic hot water response modes to deliver hot water almost instantaneously during frequent use cycles, like washing dishes. In addition, outstanding features such as 95 percent AFUE efficiency, 10:1 turndown and the air handler interlock ensure maximum comfort and efficiency while in space heating mode, making Noble one of the best combi boilers on the market.
